Tuesday, November 8, 2022


Parasailing is a sport or recreational activity that involves being towed behind a boat while attached to a parasail.


Parasailing is one of the most popular water sports in the world. It can be done on lakes, seas, oceans and rivers.

The person who controls the parachute (usually an instructor) is called the pilot. The pilot uses a tow rope to pull the person in the parasail to safety if they are in trouble.

Although the trip lasts about an hour and a half, you will only be in the air for about six to ten minutes.

Parasailing vs Paragliding

The basic difference between paragliding and parasailing is that parasailers are attached to a vehicle (typically a motorboat) that generates enough momentum to connect the parasailers to safety.

Paragliding is both a leisure and competitive flying sport. A paraglider is a foot-launched, free-flying aircraft. Parasailing is a recreational activity in which a person is towed behind a vehicle (usually a boat) while attached to a specially designed parasail. There are two types of parasailing: aquatic (over water with a motorboat) and terrestrial (on land) (over land towed by a jeep). A paraglider allows you to fly like a bird, soaring upwards on air currents. Paragliders routinely fly for three hours or more, reach elevations of 15,000 feet, and travel long distances cross-country.

paragliding vs parasailing

Benefits of parasailing

1) vitamin D from the sun:- This should go without saying, but it's worth noting: getting out in the sun provides your body with valuable, natural vitamin D.

2) Adrenaline:- When you go parasailing, you'll be harnessed up and gently glide up as the boat moves. Even with a gentle takeoff, the sensation of flight can really get the adrenaline pumpingThe excitement and new sensations are enough to cause your body to release adrenalineThis adrenaline can make it easier to breathe and may even help boost your immune system. Plus, the extra adrenaline will get your heart pumping faster and improves your cardiovascular health overall.

3) Relaxation

4) Easy on Joints

Why is parasailing dangerous?

Because people are suspended in the air via a towline at dizzying heights, most parasailing accidents result in serious, catastrophic injuries or fatalities. Parasailers are permitted to fly up to 500 feet vertically by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Wind conditions can quickly change at this altitude.

When should you not go parasailing?

Look at the beach umbrellas as a good starting point. It's not a good time to go parasailing if it's too windy to set one up. If the winds are sustained at 20 mph or higher, you should not go parasailing.

World's Best Parasailing Spots

1) Miami, USA

2) Key West, USA

3) Copacabana, USA

4) Cape Town, South Africa

5) Goa, India

6) Sydney Harbor, Australia

7) Kerala, India

8) Great Lakes, USA

9) Hawaii, USA

10) Phuket, Thailand

See Also:- Barefoot water-skiing, Wingfoiling