What is finswimming known as?
Apnoea finswimming (also known as freediving or freediving with the acronym AP) is holding your breath and swimming underwater in a pool using a mask, monofin. AP races are held at a distance of 50m. The swimmer's face must be submerged during the race or risk disqualification.
Is finswimming a sport?
This event is a sport in which you swim with fins (monofin or bi-fin) on the surface of the water with a snorkel or hold your breath while swimming with a monofin. There are three categories of Finswimming at The World Games: Apnoea, surface and bi-fins.
Finswimming Monofin and Bi-fin
Finswimming equipments
1. Diving mask
2. Snorkel fins
3. Open circuit scuba set
What is monofin swimming?
A monofin is a type of swimming fin commonly used in underwater sports such as finswimming, freediving and underwater orienteering. It consists of single or connected surfaces attached to both feet of the diver, mimicking the flukes of cetaceans such as Whales and porpoises.
Do fins make you swim faster?
Fins not only help you swim faster, but they also allow you to swim and pedal for increased endurance. The added resistance of the fins builds strength and power.
What are the underwater sports at the World Games?
1. Freediving
2. Spearfishing
3. Sport Diving
4. Underwater football
See also:- Artistic swimming